First of all: I didnt set them equal. I just said I wouldnt chose either. If you are offering me two meals: A deadly vial of arsenic and some garbage out of your trash, i wouldnt chose too.
And furthermore: Tankie (as far as I understand this word) doesnt mean communist. And the communists I know, dont want to be seen like this.
So please try not to mention the shoah thoughtlessly in such discussions. Because this would definitly mean a trivialization.
Ok another try:
If I get offered 2 options, and both options are bad for me, I wouldn’t choose either. By this, I dont rank their “badness”, I just tell that those options are not suitable for me. Not more not less.
Like arsenic and trash. They are both not suitable for me. But I dont rank them. I just say " no".
I my bubble the term tankie means somethin like a neo-sowjet, who thinks that the SU was heaven on earth. Not a communist. To be honest, I havent invested any real effort in researching this. But I just quotet the word, theyre not my words.
And once again Please try not to mention the shoah thoughtlessly in such discussions. Because this would definitly mean a trivialization.