• filister@lemmy.world
    7 months ago

    Following the end of World War II, the British refused to lift the restrictions on Jewish immigration that they had imposed with the 1939 White Paper. This resulted in Haganah leading a Jewish insurgency against the British authorities in Palestine; the campaign included the paramilitaries’ bombing of bridges, railways, and ships used to deport illegal Jewish immigrants, as well as assisting in bringing more diaspora Jews to Palestine in defiance of British policies.

    And you also know that when Palestine was partitioned the Jew population constituted only a third of all people living there and that was mostly because of the illegal migration aided by the Haganah and yet they got most of the territory which was originally exclusively Arab.

    This is the same like someone coming to your backyard and claiming 2/3 of your house. How would you feel? Of course Arabs weren’t happy. And up until today Israel continue to illegally seize more and more land from Palestinians and making their life even shittier. And then you wonder why those people are getting radicalized or why Hamas is gaining popularity.

    And trust me the way Israel has conducted this war has created a lot more future terrorists then they managed to kill.

    Just today, they have admitted that they have mistook a bag for a rifle or at least this is how they explained the targeted killing of 7 humanitarian aid workers. And now think about how many more misidentifications led to the death of thousands more innocent people. But yes, you continue blindly to support them.

    • 【J】【u】【s】【t】【Z】@lemmy.world
      7 months ago

      I would be pissed too but eventually I’d just want my kids to grow up in a world without terror tunnels under our house, living hand to mouth at the whim of religious morons with absolute power over everything, who continue to steer my people in the absolute wrong direction on every concievable public issue and so recklessly risking my family’s lives. I might even find some of them and try to help liberate my people, might even fuck around and lead the rebellion against them. See how I’m going against the popular grain here? I think I’d go against the popular grain there, too, then again if I had grown up there I probably wouldn’t know any better. I’d have gone to elementary school malnourished, with teachers from UNRWA teaching little me all about how evil the Jews are, and learning how to take zero responsibility for the consequences of my own choices. Interesting thought experiment!

      Yeah the IDF really bungled this one. The reports about it were verified and credible from the jump. Numerous credible witnesses came forward. Evenidence remained untouched at the scene. That almost never happens in Gaza. I guess the locals, Qatari state media, and all the Iranian proxies figured the IDF fucked up enough all on their own so there was no need to stage a scene or exaggerate the reports.

      The IDF investigated. They fired and reprimanded the people involved. Known facts point to mistakes and negligence, not a war crime. What more do you want? Israel has a legitimate legal system comprised of something more than the backwards, insane religious ramblings of power hungry terrorists. The aid workers come from civilized countries with legitimate legal systems, not based on mysticism and superstition, and their survivors have mechanisms to sue a country for civil damages for such negligence.

      Negligence and bone fide accidents happens in war zones. That’s part of the reason most people don’t sign up to go visit wars and why most people in Gaza did not ignore the evacuation orders.

      Hamas blasts a rocket into a car full of innocent people, you think they reprimand anyone? No, they give out prizes and laugh about it.

      This event makes me look more favorably on Israel’s credibility as far as following international law. They actually punish war criminals, as noted in the ICJ’s preliminary orders.

      • ???@lemmy.world
        7 months ago

        You anf your children won’t have time to get pissed. Israel will have killed you all anyway by the time you come to your conclusion… for a tunnel you did not build.

        Apparently Israel was fine with 15-20 civilian casualties just for the sniff of a Hamas fighter in the area, using dumb bombs.

        btw do you know why your posts keep getting so long?

        It’s because of the inner conflict. Even you find it hard to justify this BS to yourself so you have to wrestle with words and excuses.