
    8 months ago

    I mean yeah because they used to attack other sovereign nations. And unfortunately 1. Palestine isn’t a recognised nation, 2. Israel has the plausible deniability of this being “self defence”

    Then you also need to take into account that Raegans administration was in a much stronger position so had more political capital to spend on those sorts of decisions.

    And there was also less pressure to secure Western interests in the region back then. Biden will be under much more pressure from US companies to protect their business in the region weber that’s operations in Israel or oil and gas in the area. And not to mention the weapons companies that make billions off of Israel.

    And yeah look at the current regime in Egypt and Iran, they are both religious extremists that are not keen on either western values or Jewish people. And Iran supplies hamas with weapons. Its very much plausible for a war another war to break it if either of those governments decides they want to start a war despite knowing they will lose.

    If you drop the self-righteous indignation and try and be a realist, you will see Biden actually doing quite a lot given the circumstances. And so its better to direct your ire at someone more deserving, like the Israelis actually carrying out the genocide, or the weapons manufacturers that are profiteering off it and lobbying the government to keep up weapons trade and aid.