• OhmsLawn@lemmy.world
    10 months ago

    As someone who has found a faith that works for me, personal, nonreligious and without a figurehead god, I’ve seen a lot of concrete benefits from exploring different ways of walking through reality. For me there was a huge difference between the sensation of feeling like a cosmic fluke, blown around in a confusing and random reality, and finding a way to feel like I’m an integral part of time and space.

    It was a decision I had to make, years ago, for my own well-being. I’ve seen many others make their own personal, spiritual changes, for similar reasons to mine. Some move away from their childhood religions, towards faith structures that feel more healthy to them. Some return to theirs. I’ve also known people who’ve found meaning, comfort and purpose through studied, focused atheism and agnosticism.

    You can probably tell by my tone that I’m not a big fan of organized religion. Any god that can be boxed up isn’t really what I’m looking for. That said, I know from personal experience how powerful that sort of change in perspective can be. It’s exactly the type of thing that could find high ranks in one’s best of the year list.

    Happy New Year!