The big five is pretty much the only version of this that’s actually sort of kind of almost a real thing. Nobody likes being told they have high neuroticism though, so it’s not ever a fun fad meme thing.
The big five is pretty much the only version of this that’s actually sort of kind of almost a real thing. Nobody likes being told they have high neuroticism though, so it’s not ever a fun fad meme thing.
Amazon is super evil, but it mostly comes from the way they treat their employees and sellers. The customer service is… okayish, mostly. They certainly have problems there as well, but it’s not the real issue.
Not counting the time a lady popped her clutch pulling out of her driveway and hit me, since I guess that’s not “almost” an accident, probably the time I got caught out by a snowstorm, and on the way home I did a 360 on the freeway before regaining control. Thankfully there was no one else around, so it didn’t hurt anything other than my pride.
If you think China is any better than the US, then you’ve just switched flavors.
I’m not growing it for you. I’m growing it because I like it for me. If you don’t like it, that’s your loss.
People are creating new operating systems, but the reason they don’t catch on is hardware and software compatibility. It was hard enough to make an actual performant operating system that could work on a wide variety of hardware back in the 90s. Trying to do it for every possible hardware combination available now is just crazy. It can also be an incredibly difficult task to get even open source software working properly on a new OS. Anything else is just completely out of the question.
I call a spade a spade. If you can’t handle two binary compatible versions of BSD being called distros just because it’s a Linux term even though by every possible definition of that term that doesn’t include the word “Linux” they absolutely are distros, that’s your problem.
You mean like where immediately on the front page of the GhostBSD website it says that it’s built on top of FreeBSD code? Just because they don’t use the term distro doesn’t mean they’re anything different.
BSD totally has distributions. Some versions of BSD are separate operating systems from each other, not distros, but things like GhostBSD or MidnightBSD are absolutely FreeBSD based distros.
Every single distro maintaining their own version of every single Linux app is just a lot of work that wouldn’t need to be done if there was a way of making a version that worked on every distro out of the box. Plus that way app devs don’t have to worry about trying to hunt down every weird bug that only comes up occasionally while doing a specific thing using a specific version of a specific library that only one distro uses.
None of them are better than a well maintained native app from your distro. In fact, realistically they kinda have to be at least a little worse than an actually well maintained one. If you include all the time spent maintaining native apps, universal formats are potentially orders of magnitude less work to maintain if they become the default though, and that is valuable. Valuable enough that a lot of the people doing that work are pushing for them pretty hard.
Try reading these comments here. There are just as many people adamant that open source mean source available as there are people who think it means libre. The vast majority of people here don’t follow free software the way you or I do, and this is a niche free alternative website. There’s no point in getting mad at people who don’t obsess over industry definitions and just use open source to mean software that has source code that is available. You know, like the source is open or something crazy like that. It just makes us look bitter and hostile while accomplishing nothing useful.
The point you are attempting to make here is irrelevant and incorrect. The entire problem is that there is no consensus mainstream opinion on the meaning of the phrase open source.
Open source is not a very useful term. Grayjay isn’t free and libre software because it restricts commercial use, and it is definitely source available software. Whether that makes it open source depends on who you ask, and no, OSI is not the undisputed arbiter of all things open source just because they say so.
Griping because someone is using a different definition of open source than you do when they are being very clear about what exactly their license allows is not productive.
If I’m on Amazon it’s for something that I need and can’t get locally. There are no saving to donate. I’ll probably have to spend a lot more, drive multiple hours, or both if I don’t shop on Amazon. That’s the only reason I ever use it.
I guess I’m lawful chaotic, because I like album shuffle.
You joined to read about other passionate Linux user who are enjoying playing games on Linux, but none of them are ever allowed to complain about anything ever?
Also, just for the record, if you ever find yourself on the internet explaining how someone feels to them then you are wrong. No exceptions. Tone is notoriously interpretable over text. Your interpretation of my tone is not justification for childish insults.
And holy crap, not wanting to use Windows is not the same as a delusional denial of reality. There are problems on Linux. A lot less than there used to be, but still significantly more than Windows. That doesn’t mean the only valid options are never complaining or installing Windows, especially for a native Linux game. Which the game we are talking about here is, by the way.
I’ve been using Windows since Windows 3.11. I’ve tried every new version of Windows that has come out since. You’re on an obscure open source reddit alternative. Nobody here is confused by how to open an Excel spreadsheet. If you think me not liking something is “angsty” that’s a you problem. Gaming on Linux is great, and I don’t care how it is on other operating systems. Don’t tell me to do things I don’t enjoy to have fun. That’s just stupid. Telling people that they’re wrong for having fun in a way you don’t approve of is just weird and bad.
No. I don’t think I will. I had a dual boot machine with both Windows and Linux on it for years for that very purpose. It sucked. I hated it. I eventually got most of my favorite games working on Linux and just stopped using Windows completely, and that was before Valve released Proton. If Linux gaming stopped working completely I’d go back to being a console gamer. I just dislike the experience of trying to use modern Windows that much, and it’s only gotten worse since I left.
If you don’t think that’s “right” then your opinion is worthless to me. You can do whatever the hell you think is right, and so can I.
Jesus fucking christ my dude. Not going to coffee shops is a valid option, but since you apparently haven’t noticed there are not yet living wages in most of the country. Either don’t use the services or tip until there are. Have some goddamn class solidarity and don’t force people to work for your benefit for poverty wages until things get better. Don’t pretend your greed is socialism.
Ecosia already has more users than Brave Search according to the few sources I could find that even tried to estimate market share for search engines that niche. They’re all less than a percent either way though, and nobody’s gunning to beat the 13th most popular search engine, especially when number 1 has 80-90% of the market according to most estimates.