• 29 Posts
Joined 8 months ago
Cake day: February 10th, 2024


  • There are a few JeOS distros out there, usually built around something like Kodi or Jellyfin. I’ve had good experiences with LibreELEC, which (through Kodi) can do audio and video files, broadcast TV, live streams, VOD channels, and even game emulators if the hardware can handle them. It works well on small devices.

    When choosing hardware, beware of the fractional frame rate issue: Lots of TV content has a video frame rate that’s a little bit off from the whole numbers usually expected by computers, like 30000/1001 = 29.97002997 fps instead of 30 fps. Support for these frame rates is missing from a lot of systems-on-chip, so small media boxes that use them will have to fake it by dropping or duplicating frames every so often. The result is not smooth.

    All the Raspberry Pi models that I’ve checked do support fractional frame rates, so that would be a pretty safe hardware choice.

  • That refers to the fact that printer advertisements can contain lies: When you see a familiar printer name appear on a network, it could always be an impostor secretly pointing to the address of a malicious device.

    So my first advice stands: Avoid interaction with untrusted or potentially compromised print servers.

    To be clear, when I say “interaction”, I don’t just mean printing to them. I mean any interaction at all. Even just browsing a network for printers could potentially mean your system contacts the devices at the advertised addresses, and receives data from them. This Qualys report doesn’t make clear whether this kind of interaction is safe, so I have to assume for now that it is not.

  • Exploitation involves sending a malicious UDP packet to port 631 on the target, directing it to an attacker-controlled IPP server.

    Okay, so at least until this is patched, it would be a good idea to shut down any CUPS-related process that’s listening on port 631, and avoid interaction with untrusted or potentially compromised print servers.

    Either of these commands will list such processes:

    $ sudo lsof -i :631
    $ sudo fuser -v 631/tcp 631/udp

    I don’t want to diminish the urgency of this vulnerability, but it is worth noting that “affecting all GNU/Linux systems” does not mean that every affected system is actually running the vulnerable code. Some installations don’t run print services and don’t ever communicate with printers.

    Also, I suspect that the author’s use of “GNU” in that warning is misleading, potentially giving a false sense of security. (Sadly, a certain unfortunate meme has led many people to think that all Linux systems are GNU systems, and the author appears to be among them.) I don’t see any reason to think musl builds of CUPS are immune, for example, so I don’t assume my Alpine systems are safe just because they are not GNU/Linux.

  • We could quibble about the details, but all of them are fundamentally last-man-standing competitions.

    The Hunger Games was indeed one of them. I didn’t mention it because it’s the most obvious one in current cultural memory (no need for me to point it out) and because Battle Royale came a decade earlier, and Battle Royal half a century before that. The characters’ situation is probably older than printed words.

    Even if a competitive game format was unique to the Hindi film, it would be tough to argue that nobody else could have thought of that detail when making their own variation of the same theme. Calling it a “blatant rip-off” of Luck (2009) is quite a stretch.

    (Incidentally, the Luck synopsis that I read says it focuses on gambling, not competitive trials or children’s games. A quick look at the video confirms it.)