Well, no plan survives initial implementation, you’re always going to encounter new problems & figure out sustainable solutions. Far too often, I’ve seen companies rush the release to “get something out there” and start the revenue faucet. Then issues crop up that make the device a non-starter for many people, they try fixing it mid-flight, the device flops & the company’s made irrelevant.
I’m saddened that I’ll have to wait longer for my 16", but I’m really glad Framework approached it in this way.
I used to use Joplin, I liked that it integrated with my Nextcloud, and the markdown format. However, the way that it handles the markdown files was too black-boxey to me, with the way it split them up in a weird scheme.
Now I use Ghostwriter with straight markdown files inside my Nextcloud folder. So I still get the syncing functionality, but a more flexible setup that doesn’t require a specific app to access all of my notes.