• 3 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 16th, 2023


  • bibles and churches are banned in Saudi arabia

    Only islam is allowed to be prosletysed, non muslims are completely banned from mecca

    Around 2 million Muslims enjoying complete freedom of religion inside Israel. While Jews cannot even wear a small head cover in neighboring countries.

    Yet about which country the millions of hateful useful idiots gathering in the streets of western capitals shouting “Apartheid”?

    Not only do Muslims have freedom of religion but Jews are not allowed to pray on the temple mount by law. While true that some interpretations of Judaism forbid even setting foot on the temple mount until the third temple is built that not all of them do and it is not the reason for the law. The law is there because historically whenever Palestinians even think Jews may be trying to do anything of a religious nature on the temple mount there has been violence. So despite having physical access to the temple mount Jews are not allowed to pray on it in order to maintain the status quo from before Israel captured the area in 1967 in order to attempt to keep the peace.

    When polled, most Gazans listed al-Aqsa as the reason for the Oct 7th massacre (hence the name al-Aqsa flood) over seeking statehood or the blockade

    The poll showed that 81% of respondents believed that Hamas’ primary goal in its Oct. 7 attack was a “response to settler attacks on Al-Aqsa Mosque and on Palestinian citizens and for the release of prisoners from Israeli prisons.”

    It found that 72% of respondents approved of Hamas’ decision to launch the Oct. 7 attack, in which the terror group killed 1,200 Israelis, took more than 240 captive and committed numerous atrocities.

    call it for what it is ,this is a religious conflict