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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 9th, 2023


  • I decided to go with Plex because I can use it from my roku TVs and my game consoles. I let a few friends and family members log in as well to stream and they’re primarily doing it from game consoles. Most of those people don’t even have a desktop PC. Granted, I don’t know what features in that ballpark that Jellyfin may have now, I set this up a long time ago and just haven’t really given it much thought since then.

  • I decided to come home during summer break during my senior year of college. I wasn’t going to but I decided I should do something besides sitting around playing video games. I got in the car, drove for 4 hours, and got a call from my best friend that he was having some people over that night. I almost didn’t go because I was tired from the drive. I decided to go. I knew everyone there, including a girl I had been friends with for years but hadn’t seen in awhile. We were all hanging out, me and this girl ended up hooking up that night. We’ve been together over 12 years, married for 6. If I had decided to stay at my apartment and play Skyrim instead of driving home, we very likely wouldn’t be together. I think about it more than I should lol.

  • I’d go a step further and see if anyone here has recommendations for the best RSS readers. I’ve never used one, and I’m wary to take any of the ones offered in the Android play store that are going to shove ads in my face. I’d love a quick guide to set them up properly, too. I’m a luddite when it comes to this apparently because the last one I installed, I couldn’t get it to grab any of the links.

    EDIT: I installed Feedly and it was easy to set up. I don’t need it to do anything but grab articles I’m interested in and it seems to do that just fine. I’d just like to be able to unfollow all news/politics subs on the fediverse and stick to articles only. Thanks for the input to everyone who replied.