I could give a fuck less about 9/11 but I’ll remember January 6th until I die or develop a brain disease
I could give a fuck less about 9/11 but I’ll remember January 6th until I die or develop a brain disease
I hope Riley Gaines develops a vulva itch that can never be soothed so she has to go through the day fighting the urge to scoot across the carpet like a pet with worms. Any place that doesn’t just ignore this should just say fuck it and make one sport for everyone, split by ability.
No one’s big pile of money matters when the few with the biggest piles ignore the rules and control social media and broadcasting
Trump must have declared universal gravitation as woke DEI
Same people like to complain about people existing here who don’t speak English or aren’t fluent enough to use it in public. Wouldn’t you want more vigorous education for them to annoy you less?
With my money? Pry it from my cold, dead hands first.
Elon was going through job titles before the election and whining about how they aren’t real jobs, the reasons for this obfuscation would easily get lost in the purge because no one who knows/cares is in a position to say anything
What’s that last bit referring to? I thought it was a dig at the people they blame for January 6th but January 6th, 2021 was during the last Trump term, and therefore he is the failure who permitted trashing the capital? I mean Biden admin targeted as many of them as possible and you guys just let them off, so…you are the losers and failures. Got it.
Orr worse, what if he’s secretly DEI and woke? Smells like a foreigner with ties to hostile nations to me
What? How can he, a man, be wrong in the eyes of another man? Shocking. Honestly did he not try using misogynistic justification like if the girls can’t read or do math they won’t be able to read food labels or measure out ingredients and the men will therefore have to eat inferior or potentially poisonous food?
Until they declare you in support of DEIA antifa terrorists and block you from payment systems. Anti-communist style blacklisting will come sooner or later and most people will capitulate instead of resisting.
Isn’t one of his subordinates in prison too? How much would that suck to watch your co-conspirator get off scot free because his family can throw cash at a moron.
The people threatening his job have the resources and immunity to drag him and his family into expensive legal fights. How do you afford a never-ending legal battle when your opponent doesn’t have to follow any rules? Probably hoping just to keep his retirement benefits and not have Musk sniffing around his family and friends like the ghoul that he is.
Get their organs too, there’s plenty of people waiting for them who aren’t Nazi psychopaths. Fuck letting them run around causing chaos while the rest of us do actual work.
Constitutional barriers failed once. No troglodyte-operated state GOP would even blink at ignoring further violations to put him on the ballot again and because there’s no functional system to stop them once it’s started, there really aren’t any barriers except the limits of the human lifespan.
Their parents sin was not being harsh enough on a fresh crop of Nazis, so yes let’s go beyond and finish the job
They’re developing a toilet that can recognize people based on unique asshole prints and track, analyze, and store data on your waste on the cloud. It’s a privacy nightmare I didn’t think I needed to worry about. https://futurism.com/neoscope/scientists-toilet-identifies-butthole
Spoiler alert, the north was full of bigots too, they just didn’t need slaves as much