The EU was setup to help protect Europe and enable them to have better control over overly enthusiastic capitalist companies such as those found in the US.
But what do we expect from a low intelligence puppet of Russia?
If you are Republican you are nothing but pedo Nazi trash
The EU was setup to help protect Europe and enable them to have better control over overly enthusiastic capitalist companies such as those found in the US.
But what do we expect from a low intelligence puppet of Russia?
I lived through it. I would much rather that era than the antiChrist led one of today.
The melting pot idea was all over news and media back in late 70s and 80s. Gen X has forgotten what it was like when America was great and not this demon filled hellhole that was elected.
Want the honest truth? Except for our current politics they would have been amazed, astounded, and hopeful for thr future. Medicine, science, technology have all made quantum leaps. Quality of life has to. They would be happy we don’t have to kill each other for resources.
Considering the majority of Americans now get their news from mainstream media which is all run by Trumpers now. I’m not sure what they expected. Propaganda of the likes Hitler and Stalin would have approved of.