I voted Harris, I’ll die under this you fucking ghoul
I voted Harris, I’ll die under this you fucking ghoul
And that’s fine, some people like canned static. I happen to like deep fried bull testicles
Crt TV static in a can
Surprised no one though of round knobs instead
Coil whine is probably what you are hearing, a lot of people physically can’t hear it
It rotates, currently a lot of filk (Space Asshole and Pushing the Speed of Light are favorites) last month I was listenig to Aviators(Can You Hear It?, Stay Dead) The Birthday Massacre(Kill the Lights, Divide), E.M.M.P. (any of their tzeentch tracks and This Quiet Offends Slannesh) but if you just want to get absolutely torched and just vibe? Stone Rebel, albums of just pure vibe.
Same, I walked into a vacuum cleaner about 30 minutes ago
I am stealing that mmand name for tabletop
Wait, you drank the pool water?
Manwich is a canned sauce you add to hamburger, it’s roughly BBQ flavored in nature.
It’s like a tortilla made of a giant cornchip. Breakage can be an issue but they don’t explode like glass or anything.
Fuck that we broke away centuries ago.
It means the round fired by the gun is .308 inches in diameter, or 7.62mm. Gun caliber is measured in inches for Imperial.
First one was before the Solar system finished forming, no life, it was also the size of Mars. The Moon is a combination of matter from that object and matter thrown up from Earth. Second one was tiny by comparison and we actually are pretty sure we found the crater
Yes but hydrogen has storage problems in that it messes with storage containers making long term storage potentially hazardous. How much of that last part is bullshit I am not qualified to answer but it sounds fucky to me.
Shit you just described my niece, a self professed stalinist.
I didn’t mean physically silence, more rhetorically silence them by assuming an argument before you were ever engaged, it comes across as an attempt to restrict discourse. If that was not your intent I apologize
Your first thought was to head off an argument against your train of thought, you don’t need your mod powers to do what I described. I do appreciate you having more restraint than more than one Reddit mod I’ve encountered thoigh
When you are done tripping over yourself to silence those you disagree with consider this, both are treating the SYMPTOM not the disease
You first then, don’t volunteer the vulnerable to be your fodder