I don’t understand what either of these comments mean but you seem passionate about it and i respect that.
I don’t understand what either of these comments mean but you seem passionate about it and i respect that.
Absolutely agree.
I’m aware which is why i avoided the term ‘fired’. If public sentiment gets severe enough around this he could step down from an executive position for pr reasons, which i know is a big ask, but this is like really bad.
Wow, I’ve been a fan of linus tech tips for more than 10 years now, i can’t believe I’m saying this but i hope he gets ousted from the company for this.
No kidding, the only other options ive found are
Duckduckgo, which is serviceable but kind of bad, and
Kagi, which is looking promising and has lots of features i enjoy, but paying for a search engine is a hard sell.
I started using it this year because its actually been giving me decent results unlike google. We’re…in a dark timeline
Woah how did i not hear about this that’s amazing.
There’s nothing to support people mixing up autism and gender dysphoria since theyre wildly different things, but there is a correlation between being autistic and being lgbt. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Autism_and_LGBT_identities
So i bought plex pass a while ago and i keep hearing about plexamp, I dont really understand why is it considered so good, could you elaborate on why you like it? Does it do more than play music from my home server?
FairEmail has been the best one ive tried client wise and protonmail if you want to switch email providers completely
I would also like a source for this, thats really cool.
If i recall that explanation for the spider fact is itself just made up with no source.
I think the Bell is most useful if you use it for creators like h bomber guy where you’re going to get maybe one upload a year, using the notification Bell for a channel that uploads everyday would be insane.
If i recall you can toggle s mode off inside the Microsoft store and use it normally, you just cant turn it back on without a reboot.
Didn’t know it was, my bad!
Oh that sucks, ive been using a vpn for a long time without issue, i can see why youd stop using them.
https://privacy.com/ I’ve been using them for around 6 years now.
They link up with your bank account and generate as many virtual cards as you want that are locked to the first vendor you use them on so if say McDonald’s get their card data stolen it won’t be able to charge the card for anything other than McDonald’s.
They also make their money from the card fees so they manage to be both free and not sell your data.
passionate moderator of r/towels