It’s beautiful in its precision and how it constantly clears your throat
It’s beautiful in its precision and how it constantly clears your throat
Just switch to German, I know it’s die Geschirrspülmaschine
Whale, shit.
Lua had been banned from the chat
A ten-second Google search yields a cheap filament dryer for $35, and a cheap air fryer for $25.
Maybe get a cheap one just for industrial use. Like the reflow toaster oven.
You think these people give a shit about hypocrisy?
Why would I turn down such an opportunity? I’m great at naming things.
When did he get demoted?
They shouldn’t be able to opt out.
Hitler Youth.
And yet people will go on about DuckDuckGo, which is just Bing wearing a duck hat.
It’s not a coup unless it’s from the Potomac Valley region of the US. Otherwise, it’s just a sparkling crisis.
Trump’s a Canadian?
So taxes exist just to make money disappear?
Maybe the third