When someone informs him it’s named after a person he will demand that this domestic terrorist be brought in for impeachment and deported, not understanding why none of that makes sense
Senior Chief Petty Officer. Starfleet is in my blood, and I’ve spent my entire adult life in service to boldly going.
Keiko and Molly are my favorite humans, but Transporter Room 3 will always be my favorite.
Just don’t ask who what’s in the pattern buffer.
When someone informs him it’s named after a person he will demand that this domestic terrorist be brought in for impeachment and deported, not understanding why none of that makes sense
Anything else would simply be improper!
God damn almighty these people are fucking stupid.
You know, I was about to go on about how they aren’t stupid, they’re cowards, because they fully know what you say is true, but they are too scared to say things out loud because then they’d be a target, OR because they believe in “the moral high road” and “believe the best in people” to a fault and “it wouldn’t be proper!” to call a nazi… You know… a nazi.
But then I realized all of that, while possible, is still insanely fucking stupid
So I guess my point is “yeah, and giant fucking cowards to boot”
It’s great that a convicted felon who absolutely committed treason by sharing classified documents with foreign nationals is allowed to decide OTHER people can’t be trusted with information.
These guys need to decorate their walls with a small caliber paintbrush
“my centrism isn’t a problem, it’s DEMOCRATS for not being left enough, because then my centrism would really be centered”
Sure bud, whatever helps you sleep at night I guess.
You aren’t wrong about democrats being spineless, but Personally I could never try and compromise with someone who thinks my very existence and the existence of minorities gives them a reason to hate and persecute up to literal lynching and murder but that’s just me.
“just doing my job” isn’t really relevant when your job is literally destroying democracy to assist a fascist neo-nazi regime
Yes, quitting “in protest” is an option, but why do that when you can just collect a paycheck and be a shitty as possible at your job until you get fired?
“oh sure thing boss I’ll get right on this deletion thing” 6 days of fucking around on the fediverse later, websites still unchanged “oh yeah I’m working on it, top priority!”
I get fear of retribution if they figure out you’re doing it on purpose to sabotage efforts but like… How many people are actually bothering?
I can’t imagine someone in the firing squad trying to say “I was just doing my job”, it’s not the same thing as the guy working in the lunchroom. The only difference in my opinion is the firing squad kills people and the guy at the computer kills information, democracy, morality, common sense etc…
You can’t say you were just doing your job when your job is “destroy this information”
Yes, it’s “just a small part” but even the Great Wall of China is made of smaller bricks/slabs. The whole can’t exist without the separate pieces.
I’m a little rambly, apologies. I hope I’ve made a coherent point.
It’s like trying to hold water in your hands.
The tighter you squeeze, the quicker it’s gone.
Exactly what I was thinking.
When you’re cut off from any help, you ARE your own help. Don’t wait for something unthinkable to happen, this person has made it clear they don’t respect you or boundaries, and have made threats.
It’s 9v1, if you’re scared just wait until they’re asleep. Kick them out the door, lock it, and they can try walking their happy ass back to civilization. from Antarctica
Don’t bother looking for a body.
Well, he’s not in prison for treason or anything related to classified documents being mishandled, soooooooo…
Rule of law means nothing in the US anymore unless you’re poor. If it mattered, we would have had different presidential candidates from the start.
If anyone still cares in the government, none of them care enough to actually do anything but stand by and watch. Maybe give a half-hearted “yeah way to take a stand” after the fact when someone gets dragged out of the room by the fascists.
Excellent domain name for your instance, by the way. Absolutely horrifying in just the right way.
almost complete immunity to any consequences for their actions.
legal immunity.
Fingers crossed more people wake the fuck up that nobody is coming to step in and save us, we have to do it ourselves.
We used to know how to fight dictators and fascism, but apparently all we can do now is protest, quietly, in our government mandated protest spot, miles away from anyone who can hear or see us. Anything else just wouldn’t be proper.
I think you hit the nail on the head with that “you just read the title” and now they’re mad for being called out.
Embarrassment can cause people to lash out in irrational ways.
Why do we need to wait to know that violence against fascists is the appropriate response?
This sort of thinking makes me “sound like a teenager” because I’m “trying to be Edgy”
Lol no, anyone who genuinely thinks violence will not be needed because we will simply vote soon and it’ll all be over is either sticking their head in the sand, naive as fuck, or their lifestyle depends on things continuing as they are and stand to benefit from it.
Like holy shit go to the 1800s and tell all the slaves if they want real change they need to keep their heads down and quietly protest in the back where nobody can see them. Similar vibes.
But that wouldn’t be proper!
clutches pearls
Genuinely… It wasn’t before???
As an American who remembers 2016-2020…
And if anyone shows up to take her back, lock them up too.
If you need help defending against any terrorist activities by an opposing nation, let me know, I will happily defend the free world from fascism.
It literally has nothing to do with us.
I don’t think there’s a single person here who would disagree with you.
I hope that the riots in the streets start up sooner rather than later.
Same. But uncoordinated opposition just leaves a lot of dead “lone wolf crazy gunmen”
Good reminder to keep organizing.
You sure you’re not confusing China with the United States?
Boom, there it is!
I Guess we’re just ignoring all the shit they’re pulling by dumping sand and dirt into the ocean and calling it a Chinese island, and all the shit they’re doing near Taiwan.
Can’t wait for someone to pull out a 400 year old map to justify modern day imperialism again!
The last time I used skype, it was to monitor my 3d print because I needed to finish a project and my last attempt went all spaghetti.
So as I was at work I’d log into my computer from my phone, call myself with skype, and check to make sure everything was still okay.
Then I discovered octoprint.
I’d say 50/50 because she’s a woman and a Democrat.
Good thing she never wore a tan suit or used the wrong mustard, then Republicans would have done something drastic like storm the Capitol building!