Oh, he absolutely turned off the starlink for Ukraine.
Pussy didn’t want to hurt Putlers feelings. Claims it was to not be complicit.
Oh, he absolutely turned off the starlink for Ukraine.
Pussy didn’t want to hurt Putlers feelings. Claims it was to not be complicit.
Once Republicans view something as hiw it is, there is no changing their viewpoint. All they know is to double and triple down.
Everyone who has any intelligence already knows this and has known it since his last term. It’s a cult. There is no one else other than Trump in their eyes. They’ve tapped into the cosmic fear that religion has and convinced his followers that America, if not the world, s doomed if anything were to happen to him. The fact that he won is “proof” he is chosen by God.
The GOP is dead. It is the cult of Trump.
No, you don’t softly complain or wag your finger. We remove those people and set things straight globally. You fight fire with fire. Remove the base of the pyramid until the tip is level with the ground. How many people exist in this world? How many billionaires are there? Oh, they can hire protection? Can they hire that much protection? I’m not at all saying to ask them nicely to stop. We just make them stop.
And how do I know I’m not the bad guy? I want to stop those that are interfering in the good lives of good people.
There were a lot of German patriots who resisted the nazis. And would you know it, the nazis lost that war.
Yes, I know there is more to it, but I’m going to keep trying.
Dictators only have power if people are willing to do what they want.
We all need to fight fascism globally in any way we can. It doesn’t have to be anything huge. Even if it is only one simple act or word.
It’s always the same people trying to oppress everyone else. You know who they are, and yes, it’s usually the wealthy and the rightwing conservatives. I myself am watching half of my country vote for a literal anti-American Christian Nationalist convicted digital rapist piece of shit. My heart, soul, and love go out to all who just want to be left alone and left to live .
Strength be with the good and decent people of South Korea.
As long as you are rich or know the right people, you can do anything. What’s the point anymore.
He’s a Russian asset that holds U.S. military contracts. yay
This is what you wanted