Get involved in mutual aid groups if possible. Those folks will be able to guide you best on how to be effective in your community.
Get involved in mutual aid groups if possible. Those folks will be able to guide you best on how to be effective in your community.
Vote in the primaries. That’s the most important part. The Democratic establishment has failed it’s constituents and is clearly interested in serving only themselves and the wealthy. At this point it’s not just a matter of beating the Rs. We need actual progressives that care about the working class running the Democratic Party if we want any hope at bettering this country and not simply slowing down the current trend to the right. We need more folks like Bernie and AOC in the ranks. And that only happens if folks get involved in the primaries and support the most progressive candidate they can. Simply showing up and punching D on Election Day won’t get us anywhere.
Do what you can now and keep your mind open to new opportunities. This isn’t a sprint, it’s a marathon. Don’t burn yourself out looking to do everything you possibly can. The important thing is to build that muscle of direct action instead of letting it atrophy through complacency or learned helplessness. That way, when you’re really needed you’ll be able to mobilize.