Carl Sagan - A Demon-Haunted World. Explains the key difference between a scientific vs religious mindset.
Carl Sagan - A Demon-Haunted World. Explains the key difference between a scientific vs religious mindset.
Geez, people. Feminine magazines have always been like this. Everyone knows that we women are incapable of caring about or understanding anything except clothes, diets, and home decor, so we must appeal to these interests rather than talking about this difficult boring stuff like writers’ strike. What exactly do these writers do anyway? Why are they striking rather than writing? It sounds boring. Please tell me more about Margot’s outfit, which I will wear after losing 50lb.
I’m so sorry. I will hug the IT team now for only making me login every 2 weeks.
Having to relogin every two weeks with two-factor authentication. Everything is a MS Office document, in particular ridiculous spreadsheets. Everyone writes in acronyms that they assume everyone else knows. Even though there is always a lot of new staff, every email assumes everyone has been working there forever. (“It’s that time of the year again! You need to complete your GRD before week 5 of the COG and send it to the OSYN. Probably you are already an expert in completing these forms after so many years, but if you need instructions, please go to our IDRN and enter your ICRJ.”)
It just keeps a copy.
Imagine turning to Reddit for deep stuff. Specific hobbies I understand, but depth …
20 years ago our cat fell out of our workshop’s ceiling and we decided to keep it. True story.
I think it’s a great comparison. You can punish someone without providing a reason, and so the poster just thinks other people are arseholes. You did it just because you can. You might think there’s no point arguing back, but the person who wrote the comment obviously thought it was a good point.
No, you should reply and explain why the advice is dangerous. A comment might be downvoted for all sorts of reasons and so it doesn’t send a clear message. Downvoting is like grounding your kids just because you are angry, without explaining what they did wrong. They will just conclude you are an arsehole that will punish them whenever you fancy. Which is exactly my opinion of redditors and why I stopped posting there.
Brazilian. I only take one shower/day unless it’s very hot, then it’s two. I don’t think I ever took three showers/day. But bear in mind that the climate is very different depending on where you live in Brazil.