It’s dead for me right now. I’ll miss her.
It’s dead for me right now. I’ll miss her.
You’re right. I think a lot of people who didn’t grow up right at the cusp of the internet weren’t actually taught any internet safety.
Rule 1: never tell anyone your ASL, especially location.
Rule 2: No personally identifying details. If you could get doxxed using this information you shouldn’t be putting it online.
Rule 3: Runescape will never ask you for your password
When did people forget basic internet safety? ANYTHING you put on the internet could stay there forever.
If your intention is to make games, I reccomend Gamemaker Studio 2. If the pricing model is something you’re not willing to work around (and trust me im still kinda salty about the change so i get it) Godot seems to be the move for 2d development.
GMS2 works on its own scripting language called Gamemaker Language, or GML. I’m told its similar to JS kinda. I used to redirect people to the r/gamemaker discord, but if you’re in the fediverse that might not be something you care to do. The community there rules though and is always happy to help people learn.
I think Godot is on c#? I haven’t used it yet, but it’s open source so if that’s important to you go for it.
Personally, I use Unity3d now, but I wouldn’t reccomend jumping right into that. C# can be kind of challenging (but highly rewarding once you know what you’re doing. serialized variables ftw)
In some of my worse moments, Amazon has genuinely recommended me a “these things bought together” purchase of a tank of helium, a plastic tube, and a tank regulator. Corporations will do literally anything for money.
Have an antigravity arrow.
Is that not what I was supposed to be calling them?
Damn, I knew I should have looked it up to be sure first. At least we’ve discovered Cisylvania.
This is the same etymology as Transylvania, or, the Forest on the Other Side.
This begs the question, where is Cisylvania?
People can barely drive regular cars, there’s no FUCKIN way i trust them with flying cars
Do we have to give every forum a chat function? I don’t want anyone and everyone to be able to dial me up to talk about my internet post history
I wish he was honest to begin with and said “Hey, we’re no longer supporting third party reddit clients. I get you’ll be pissed about that but them’s the beans we have to drive more people to our app for money reasons”
Instead, this whole charade reeks of stupidity and desperation.
Oh there’s definitely stuff wrong with me, I just don’t know if this specifically is it
Not only was it funny, now it’s even funnier.
Wow that’s a classic! I haven’t seen that video in the wild since the early internet!
There might be something wrong with me for that to be nostalgic…
It’s projection. Every single thing they accuse “the woke left” of doing is something they are already doing.
When did it stop being the super smash bros subspace fanfiction?
Succinctly stated. I wish authoritarian left types would understand this.
Honestly this explains everything so neatly that if you put it on TV the audience would complain that it’s not believable. All of these rich assholes are the same.
I know better than to install windows 11 because I have pattern recognition skills. Windows Xp? great
Windows Vista? mediocre
Windows 7? great!
windows 8? mediocre
windows 10? great!
Now just to hold out until windows 12 or whatever they call it.
far right group advocates for website that caters to far right groups
not even remotely a surprise to me, beyond I guess the fact that the taliban would have said anything at all about it