I like that comparison. Agreed.
I like that comparison. Agreed.
Just an fyi. ALL CELEBRITIES ARE PIECES OF SHIT. Whether it’s scientologists, extremist views, violence against women, pedophilia (cough Drake cough.) literally every celebrity sucks. No one should be surprised when a celebrity they liked turns out to be a piece of shit. Just watch whoever you wanna watch and don’t worry about this. Otherwise you’ll have to boycott literally every single business and movie star.
I think you’re a bit selfish. But not broken. I’m the same way so I’m not judging you. I do the exact same thing. It can cause issues in my relationships at times.
I try my best to objectively appreciate what I have and those around me. Try going out of your way to show appreciation to others, even if you don’t immediately feel it yourself. Sometimes the feeling of appreciating others comes after you demontrate to them and to yourself that you care.
I hope your Dad is okay and has a speedy recovery!
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This answer doesn’t make senese. How could only 2 stars form a supermassive black hole?
Some fucking clown did this at the gym the other day. She was on the elliptical and was blasting music at full volume from her phone instead of using headphones. It absolutely shocked me how fucking oblivious and inconsiderate people can be. I also saw a toothbruth left in the sink and flip flops left in the sink at this gym too. Fucking clowns.
That’s like the most touching thing i ever ever heard. I love it.
I’m unsubbing to this community. It appears to be 100% political posts now. rip.
It used to be like 85% “why do people like anal” and now it’s just 100% doomer threads. Is this really all these communities have to offer? It’s worse than Reddit.
Oh ok. I have a Denon too but i don’t know what dynamic sound is. Not sure if i have it
You should be able to boost it regardless. You want to boost it in the speaker settings. Should be called channel volume.
Turn dynamic volume off. At first it will seem like that makes it worse. It’s not. Turn the volume up after disabling it. That should give you a better dynamic range. This may take some getting used to.
Dynamic volume raises quieter sounds, which makes dialogue louder but also makes other background stuff louder, which can overpower and muddy the dialogue. Think of it like a contrast slider but for audio.
Also try boosting your center channel volume (if you have a center) by around 2-3db on the receiver. That will also help and might solve your problem. It’s a pretty popular tweak. Some movies/shows just have very low dialogue volume and loud effects.
I’m a little confused. Excel and Outlook are two different office applications. Why would Excel be opening Outlook?
It’s true. Downvote me all you want.
Gen X is essentially just “boomer lite.” So might as well lump them into boomers. That’s been my experience working with many many gen x’ers over the years. They’re similar in my opinion.
2 reasons:
Because investors are fucking idiots and algorithms gonna do what algorithms gonna do.
What point do you think that I am missing? I was making a half-joke saying that people on Onlyfans probably aren’t super into privacy measures.
Do you want to see my hemorrhoids?
That’s actually fucking ridiculous. But I guess if you’re willing to put your asshole and face together on the Internet, you’re probably not to concerned about these extra steps.
No one wants to see my hemorrhoids.
When the moon is at its farthest orbit from earth, all of the planets in the solar system can fit in between earth and the moon.