? Maybe cite sources if you’re gona make huge derogatory claims.
? Maybe cite sources if you’re gona make huge derogatory claims.
This sounds like something stupid Joe Rogan would say lol
It kinda sucks that global warming causes plagues to spread faster in the warmer, moister air. Makes the bad situation a whole lot worse
Banks being unable to pay off their clients would result in a great depression-like economic crash (think about the movie, it’s a wonderful life at the end). Not to say that this wouldn’t be horrible as it would rebalance the ratio of wealth by basically taking all the money from rich people and destroying it. It would also raise the value of the dollar by increasing its scarcity. It would bankrupt companies as they would not be able to borrow money in order to stay afloat. Basically it would screw over everybody except for people that don’t use banks
Circumcisions should be banned because they are mutilating children’s genitals without consent. At least trans medical procedures have consent.
I think it’s just religious people being hypocrites again. Hard to convince delusional people of facts when they make up what they believe based on the circumstances. The decisions of religious cults shouldn’t have more power than the decisions of individual people. Completely crazy what this country is devolving into
Lolol. You just copy/pasta-ed this ignorant message on every version of this post. Why do you care so much? [Serious]
All of Trump’s picks are Russian assets