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Cake day: July 1st, 2023

  • They’ll pay a very heavy price. How far is the Taiwan strait? If you think D-day is bad you haven’t seen anything yet. Many wouldn’t even make it to the beach.

    Having said that they do have excess males, they’ll probably be better off to lose those. Because only the numpty bellends join the armed forces, the ones with more than 2 brain cells have some self preservation. Noone joins the armed forces if you have other prospects in China.

    Many people will lose their only child. This cannot be good as many people will protest. However the government has one advantage over other countries.

    China isn’t as unified as propaganda leave you to believe. Noone gives a shit about anyone other than their immediate family members. You can see this when people get run over and noone helps. Or how they push and do everything to be first in line with no regard for anyone else.

    Money is king in China thesedays. They will probably have no issue shaking down or worse their countrymen if they get a bonus or two, all they have to do is import people from the next province or two to do the dirty work.

    Not saying it’s a smart idea but just saying they could probably contain the blowback of the body bags coming home and lose the most unproductive of society in the process.

    We’ll see if Xi goes fuck it I wouldn’t be around for the consequences when he gets older. He’s 70 now, in a decade he will be 80. The average age in China is 78. He probably will beat that as he would have the best health care but beyond that it’s not guaranteed. So not much to lose for him.

  • So if small businesses aren’t what you call producing anything of value then what would you consider would be something that does produce something of value? Out of curiosity.

    Because those small businesses are providing services to the community/other businesses which wouldn’t be able to function without them. That’s not the case with the censorship pencil pushers the businesses there would be able to function better without the extra layer of bureaucracy.

    And big 4 accounting and investment banking is required, they fill a market in outsourcing by providing expertise where it doesn’t make sense for every company to have a full time employee on it. Good for short term projects the places I worked in all use them. Investment banking well you have to spend money to make money so yes they’re providing value by providing the investment for other businesses to grow.

  • Well let’s see, I don’t know because I don’t live there. Not everyone/everything lives in/revolves around America.

    In any case I’ll bite then. Everyone I know who’s in business degrees are of minimum big 4 or in an investment bank at a minimum, the smarter ones have their own small business.

    Are you seriously saying those are less productive than someone who censors information and makes it harder for people to conduct business?

    And to your second point the overproduction of housing is two fold, firstly it’s one of the very few investable resources there and second the local government needed to sell the housing to raise taxes and needed to build despite demand or lack of due to keeping people in a job.

  • They are own goaling their economy with these counter productive pencil pusher jobs that provide zero or negative input to the economy.

    Real estate crisis, reduction of jobs especially in the younger population, lack of investment from overseas because of zero covid for too long forcing companies to move supply chains and that’s before picking a fight with everyone causing uncertainty which makes it less investable.

    Cutting down the “private” sector which provided the majority of the jobs because that would threaten pooh bear.

    It’ll make China weaker in the long run, but the people in charge won’t care, they’ll be long dead before then. All the people in the top powers are all multi billionaires, even if they lost 95 percent of their wealth they would still live extremely comfortably.

    As for the general populace, I like to use the Kim Jong Un anology - a fat man within a nation of skinny men. Not really of importance to the ruling elite.

  • Through drones we are seeing a first hand view of the war. First time I’ve seen a person shot, someone blown up. It’s not like the Hollywood films that’s for sure.

    No bleeding, missing arms like every war film in Hollywood. You don’t see anything, they get shot and just become lifeless. No visible blood or anything. Similarly the drone dropped grenades, I would have thought they would be missing body parts.

    But on the outside you wouldn’t even know it’s terminal injuries. And there was another one where the tank commander landed on the roof due to a cook off in what seemed to be in one piece. But then someone calculated the G force as 300gs.

    Thanks to drones I now know people mostly go out on a whimper and not a bang.

  • Her mistake was to do it in a Muslim country. I have a Muslim friend you wouldn’t even know if they didn’t tell you.

    Outdrinks everyone, sometimes eats pork but rarely. But that’s because they only get pub food, according to him food just takes up space that can otherwise be occupied by beer/vodka/gin/burbon. Noone else I know Muslim or not goes to this extreme, it can’t possibly be good for their liver.

    He’s at least smart enough not to do this in a Muslim country.

  • If China wanted peaceful unification they can have it tomorrow.

    Cede all power to Taiwan and they can be one country. They definitely won’t be bullied by Taiwan and unlike China Taiwan would accept differing opinions. It’s been done successfully before to a large extent. East and West Germany joined together as one country without the need for border fences or two systems in one country. Just imagine what a basket case of a country if it happened the other way around. 2 systems, border fences different currencies, declining standings on corruption, political freedom etc.

    But of course they’ll never do that. Because deep down it’s not the country they care about. They only care about the CCP itself.

    Edit: looks like the wumaos are in force, not surprising as a large number of them are otherwise unemployed now 😂

  • It’s not even internal strife. It all comes down to it’s now or never. If they let this opportunity slip by they will never get Taiwan.

    Their population is declining and there’s nothing that can be done about it in any meaningful way. Nothing has worked to get people to have more children. As they get older people of military age will decline.

    Right now this generation the males outnumber the females. Which means expendable soldiers. These people will never marry and benefit the state in anyway.

    The leverage China has is it’s consumers it’s one of the largest markets. But the Chinese buying things to support international companies is quite minuscule as a percentage of the population and will decline as time goes on, they get all the media attention that’s all . They’ve been struggling to boost internal consumption for years.

    And it isn’t that surprising. Chinese people are one of the most tightarse people ever. They haggle everything and that’s even if they get to the point of actually going to buy it. Spending money to make money usually doesn’t factor in.

  • Might be a good thing in the end. There is a way to remove him, he will go sooner or later, everyone dies eventually, not even the most powerful dictator can get around that.

    What we do know is that he has stuffed up his country for his own personal gain. Killed off so many jobs because Jack Ma and co was getting too powerful. These are high value tech sector jobs that the now unemployed youths would have been happy to be employed as.

    He has put in alot of money into state owned enterprises which doesn’t have as much output as more pseudo private companies. Causing higher unemployment.

    Zero covid lockdown that was a big cause of this economic situation well it was Xis policy and noone could tell him it wasn’t a good idea until it was too little too late.

    Again as I say he has stuffed his country up for his personal gain which wouldn’t even matter in a few decades time once he passes away. But the damage to his country will be lasting and affect future generations (not that he will care, it doesn’t affect him).

    Imagine the alternative in which we have a competent dictator. We may all be conquered and have to live under their political model. That’s a hard no from me.