I know the drivers come in the distro package manager, but, is there a set straight from AMD? Trying to use Brave causes freezes and black screen flashes, which I’m pretty sure is a driver thing.
I know the drivers come in the distro package manager, but, is there a set straight from AMD? Trying to use Brave causes freezes and black screen flashes, which I’m pretty sure is a driver thing.
If this is the same common issue, there’s a thread on the forum about it, but IIRC you can add
to your kernel parameters.If you really want, you could try the AMDGPU Pro drivers, but I’m not sure if they’re compatible with integrated graphics if you don’t have the expansion GPU.
It seems to have fixed itself after a couple reboots. If it starts again, I will try the kernel parameter. Thanks!
Hm. It doesn’t want to accept
. It looks right from here, but…$ sudo update-grub /usr/sbin/grub-mkconfig: 42: /etc/default/grub: amdgpu.sg_display=0: not found
Grub doesn’t actually validate the parameters themselves, but the whole config, so you’ve pasted it into the wrong spot. It should go in the string that follows
.If it still happens, could you post your grub config?
Also some people have had success setting the GPU to game mode in the BIOS too.
Here’s the forum link: https://community.frame.work/t/tracking-graphical-corruption-in-fedora-39-amd-3-03-bios/39073
Switching to gaming mode let me open the GIF menu! Thank you!
Ah, I had put it at the bottom of the file. I’ve put it in the right place now; thank you! I’ll try game mode if this doesn’t fix it.
Well, trying to pull up the GIF menu in the Discord app causes this consistently.
Trying to open Tabletop Simulator is now doing the same thing. Is there any way to increase the amount of RAM given to the apu (without getting the dpgu)?
I’ve never had an issue like this on previous laptops, so I’m not sure what to do (other than be frustrated / avoid certain programs).
I’m not sure there is, I think there’s some advanced AMD BIOS settings EFI file floating around but I think it still has the same options.
Are you using the latest version of the BIOS?
Edit: Found the AMD EFI PBS/CBS thing: https://github.com/DavidS95/Smokeless_UMAF
I’m on 3.02, still need to upgrade to 3.03. Will see if that resolves; if not, I’ll try the USB tool to see if I can increase the VRAM. Thank you so much!
So far, 0 crashes since I got the new amdgpu firmware!
Upgrading to 3.03 didn’t help. I’ve downloaded new amdgpu firmware as covered here; not sure if it’s resolved the issue yet, since I just did it recently, but I’ll report back once it’s been a bit.
Well, I spoke too soon. A minute later, it died and took my desktop with it.