Without going into too much detail…

  • 21
  • Dropped out of Uni (ie. I’ve started falling behind ‘the pack’)
  • Still living with my parents (have lived alone for periods)
  • Frustrated, have been repeating the same mistakes and life is currently going in a loop.
  • Not fully settled on a specific career
  • Thinking of a couple of nuclear options I could try to move things on.

I want to know if I have reason to stress or if I should just give it time and enjoy the ride. Seeing as any sort of renewed degree-pursuing will eat up another several years starting anew from square one.

Edit: Thanks for all of this life advice everyone. It is genuinely really reassuring

  • LalSalaamComrade@lemmy.ml
    9 months ago
    • 23 y/o
    • Graduated 2022 with CS with shitty grades
    • Unskilled, struggling to learn tech-stack
    • Still jobless, stopped applying about a year ago
    • Still living with parents
    • No friends, no partners
    • Quit all social media, except Lemmy, where I’m anonymous
    • Have a bunch of medical issues, but can’t afford
    • Stuck in the world’s most populous country, where employers are disposable and paid shitty wages
    • No insurance, no security, no land, no place to call home