One of the things I don’t really want to self host is a mail server, especially for outbound mail. Currently I’m using a Gmail account, but I want to change that.

What do you all use for things like notifications sent through smtp?

I’m leaning towards AWS SES since it’s cheap, but I know there are some other options like mailgun and sendgrid.

  • @dapA
    21 year ago

    I actually setup SES for my Lemmy instance. I was evaluating SendGrid but less than 24 hours after signing up they closed my account with zero explanation so…yeah lol.

    I was sandboxed in SES initially but I created a support ticket asking for production access and I was good to go. No issues with SES thus far.

        • @[email protected]
          11 year ago

          Yeah seems like they are pretty strict on what you are doing, i assume not having a business on the account affects it too. Maybe depends on who you get to reply to your ticket as well lol